This site uses microdata like, for example, to describe my productions and author relationship. This makes them accessible for the Google Structure Data search, Structured Data Linter, and other tools and yields better search results.
The WUDSN site is also linked in the Curlie directory under the category Computers: Systems: Atari: 8-bit
Hits | Title | Id |
66359 | WUDSN IDE | 4 |
29795 | Installation | 17 |
27732 | Atari 8-Bit Productions | 2 |
26402 | The!Cart | 132 |
19756 | Atari 8-Bit Productions - Demos | 96 |
18935 | Bad Apple HD | 169 |
18756 | C64 Productions | 25 |
18203 | Atari 8-Bit Productions - Tools | 97 |
17850 | Atari 2600 Productions | 3 |
16619 | Programming the Atari XL/XE | 99 |
16420 | Tutorials | 16 |
16276 | Features | 15 |
15811 | Atari ROM Maker | 121 |
15086 | Windows Productions | 94 |
14322 | FAQ | 14 |
13912 | FAQ | 11 |
13845 | Sales | 114 |
12620 | Silly Venture | 108 |
11912 | Imprint | 12 |
11652 | Links | 13 |
10822 | Atari 8-Bit Programming Tips and Recommendations | 100 |
10255 | Parties | 93 |
10165 | Releases | 111 |
10137 | GEOS 128 V2 Disks and ROMs | 173 |
10095 | The!Cart Studio | 22 |
9790 | Atari 8-Bit Productions - Games | 98 |
9433 | Welcome to the WUDSN ursel home page | 24 |
8949 | Atari ROM Checker | 112 |
8276 | Fun | 153 |
8224 | Making the Atari 800 Compatible with The!Cart, MyIDE II and more | 145 |
7366 | Programming the Atari 2600 Video Computer System (VCS) | 119 |
7093 | Credits | 18 |
6449 | Site Information | 102 |
6380 | Atari 2600 Productions - Demos | 120 |
6237 | Privacy Statement | 166 |
6068 | Tutorials | 107 |
5728 | WUDSN IDE update 1.7.0 released | 110 |
5476 | Atari 2600 - I have no memory | 130 |
5356 | - Making Games for the Atari 2600 | 139 |
5348 | Revision 2017 - Atari Mega ST | 146 |
5236 | WUDSN IDE update 1.6.6 released | 109 |
5173 | Visdom I | 6 |
5020 | Atari 2600 - Two new trackers in the making | 131 |
4960 | ABBUC 99 | 21 |
4956 | Visdom II | 19 |
4953 | Silly Venture 2k17 Invitro | 147 |
4932 | Dieter und Gisela bumsen wie die wilden Tiere in Nachbars Whirlpool | 5 |
4925 | ISO | 105 |
4874 | Bob Ross - The Joy of Pixeling the Walls at the Disco | 138 |
4834 | Atari Falcon Productions | 209 |
4740 | CBM/PET Productions | 200 |
4684 | HomeCon 5 | 20 |
4656 | Spielentwicklung in 6502 Assembler für 8-Bit Heimcomputer (German) | 135 |
4645 | Atari 2600 - Music Trackers | 149 |
4450 | The binary is the source | 28 |
4345 | WUDSN IDE now on GitHub | 172 |
4324 | 6502 Assembler workshop on game development with WUDSN IDE | 134 |
4321 | The!Cart - 3D printable cartridge shell models available | 133 |
4296 | Heaven's VBXE works - after 6 hours on the CRT battlefield | 129 |
4289 | WUDSN IDE update 1.6.3 released | 40 |
4284 | WUDSN IDE update 1.6.0 released | 60 |
4261 | WUDSN IDE update 1.6.4 released | 30 |
4239 | Atari 8-Bit Productions - Hardware | 193 |
4215 | WUDSN IDE update 1.3.2 released | 81 |
4149 | WUDSN IDE update 1.6.1 released | 49 |
4145 | Silly Venture 2k14 | 35 |
4117 | C64 Productions - Tools | 174 |
4101 | WUDSN IDE update 1.5.0 released | 69 |
4084 | WUDSN IDE update 1.6.5 released | 9 |
4006 | The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets | 143 |
3988 | WUDSN IDE update 1.2.0 released | 83 |
3982 | WUDSN IDE update 1.4.4 released | 70 |
3975 | WUDSN IDE update 1.6.2 released | 48 |
3950 | The!RamDisk | 177 |
3884 | First official version 1.0.0 of WUDSN IDE released | 88 |
3856 | Programming the Atari XL/XE - Part 14,15 and 16 released | 115 |
3793 | WUDSN IDE update 1.7.1 released | 175 |
3770 | Working hard on DIS6502 | 128 |
3764 | Atari Action! | 185 |
3762 | WUDSN IDE update 1.1.0 released | 86 |
3662 | WUDSN IDE update 1.4.0 released | 79 |
3657 | WUDSN IDE update 1.4.3 released | 74 |
3653 | SillyPack 2k17 released at Outline 2017 | 165 |
3566 | WUDSN IDE update 1.4.2 released | 77 |
3547 | Silly Venture 2k17 Pictures | 157 |
3542 | ABBUC in the German Press | 141 |
3538 | ABBUC in a Box - 30 Years Atari Bit Byter User Club | 152 |
3508 | Silly Venture 2k17 Invitro and Web Site Released | 150 |
3506 | 30.000 views later - WUDSN IDE in a book | 136 |
3500 | The!Cart - Comparision, Video and 3D Printed Shell Update | 142 |
3499 | Atari 8-Bit Programming Links | 159 |
3452 | No, I did not forget the "S" | 154 |
3451 | Rest in peace Radek | 59 |
3393 | Compilers Download Update | 126 |
3374 | Site Update | 144 |
3344 | Atari ROM Maker released | 123 |
3307 | Programmieren für das Atari 2600 Video Computer System | 124 |
3283 | Silly Venture 2k17 Releases | 158 |
3265 | The!Cart - The 128 MB Flash Cartridge for your Atari 8-Bit Computer | 117 |
3259 | Revision 2017 - Atari VCS Highlights | 148 |
3251 | Fujiama 2017 | 155 |
3236 | ABBUC JHV 2011 | 55 |
3220 | Interview for ANTIC - The Atari 8-Bit Podcast | 125 |
3219 | Demo Age: New Views | 92 |
3206 | Site Update | 106 |
3200 | MADS and Mac OS X | 85 |
3188 | Atari Action! Editor | 186 |
3175 | Bajtek 130/2016 - Klan Atari | 156 |
3065 | Programming the Atari XL/XE - Part 7 and 8 released | 113 |
3063 | New video tutorial series: Programming the Atari XL/XE | 103 |
3051 | Programming the Atari 2600 Video Computer System (Live) | 7 |
3050 | New zero installation distribution of WUDSN IDE for 32-bit | 8 |
3034 | Site Update | 34 |
3019 | Grey 39 Birthday Intro released | 162 |
3017 | Easy math for bulb@ | 33 |
3012 | Helena's BASIC Games released | 170 |
3000 | Silly Venture 2k16 - Justice Done! | 140 |
2988 | The!Cart Studio update released | 127 |
2987 | SillyPack 2k2k+1 SE and SillyPack 2k21 WE released | 201 |
2974 | Silly Venture 2k11 - .. and how it ended | 53 |
2972 | Site Update | 160 |
2971 | Site Update | 116 |
2967 | RebbStars and Boom!k released at Revision 2014 | 91 |
2965 | The!Cart Studio preview released | 32 |
2963 | The!Cart Studio update released | 31 |
2957 | Site Update | 87 |
2957 | BreakPoint 2010 - The day after tomorrow | 89 |
2948 | Visdom Logo | 84 |
2948 | Time Pilot for Atari XL/XE released | 167 |
2945 | Apple II - late birthday present | 42 |
2931 | Silly Venture 2k11 - How it started... | 54 |
2920 | Beam Racer | 176 |
2909 | WUDSN IDE update 1.4.2 announced | 78 |
2907 | Open Source - supporting and getting support | 44 |
2903 | RGBA - Rasters Girls Beer Atari released at Silly Venture 2k12 | 38 |
2902 | Fujiama 2012 - See you all in Lengenfeld | 45 |
2901 | ABBUC Awards 2010 | 61 |
2879 | Site Relaunch | 90 |
2875 | SillyPack 2k13 released | 101 |
2874 | HomeCon 10 | 66 |
2866 | The!Cart Studio update released | 27 |
2862 | Atari Speed Reading | 56 |
2841 | New zero installation distribution of WUDSN IDE | 10 |
2841 | RGBA - 1st place and final version released | 37 |
2841 | Silly Venture 2k17 surprise | 168 |
2835 | Silly Things - Fast Mix released | 67 |
2824 | WUDSN IDE Tutorial Part 1 | 65 |
2822 | Silly Venture 2k17 Invitro revisited | 171 |
2820 | Atari Childhood Memories | 29 |
2813 | SillyPack 2k12 released | 36 |
2808 | Silly Things - Party Version released | 68 |
2804 | The!RamDisk released | 178 |
2798 | HomeCon 5 Invitation released | 75 |
2777 | Teenage dream challenge | 52 |
2769 | Site Update | 72 |
2743 | WUDSN Assembler Workshop at Fuijiama 2019 Party | 181 |
2732 | Visdom I and II story and fixed versions | 51 |
2727 | Fujiama 2010 pictures | 71 |
2721 | Site Update | 76 |
2714 | Site Update | 43 |
2710 | PayPal, Facebook ... and some really useful things | 47 |
2709 | WUDSN IDE Tutorial Part 3 and 4 | 63 |
2705 | Site Update | 58 |
2701 | WUDSN IDE Tutorial Part 5 and 6 | 62 |
2683 | WUDSN IDE Tutorial Part 2 | 64 |
2677 | Fujiama 2012 - Lots of code, fun and beer | 39 |
2673 | WUDSN IDE Tutorial part 7: New features in version 1.6.0 | 50 |
2662 | Finally Progressing - The Graphics Plugin | 80 |
2649 | Silly Venture 2k19 Video Invitation | 182 |
2649 | DIS6502 | 187 |
2642 | ABBUC Magazin 99 intro added and 20 € for you | 73 |
2630 | Farewell Ultrasyd | 190 |
2618 | Site Update | 82 |
2612 | Celebrating 3 years WUDSN IDE - 6500 hits - 1000 views for the video tutorial | 46 |
2601 | 40.000 Views, 200 Likes, Revision and finally back online again | 161 |
2586 | Site Update | 57 |
2580 | Radek - you are not forgotten | 41 |
2568 | Dell's Kitchen | 179 |
2562 | Atari Action! and Atari Action! Editor update released | 184 |
2550 | The!Cart Studio update released | 163 |
2531 | The!Cart Studio update released | 164 |
2511 | Windows Productions - Tools | 188 |
2499 | Priceless Youtube Spam | 189 |
2301 | Prince Couple Patricia 001. and Peter 011. | 183 |
2102 | WUDSN IDE update 1.7.2 released | 191 |
2060 | Windows Folder Magic | 137 |
2034 | Goodbye Jason Kelk / T.M.R. of Cosine | 197 |
1954 | A day at the lake... | 198 |
1918 | Goodbye Alphons Klüpfel | 196 |
1707 | Site Update | 211 |
1597 | Silly Venture 2k21 Winter Edition | 202 |
1524 | Back to the Future | 195 |
1453 | Site Update | 194 |
1261 | Hawkeye Tunetro | 219 |
1228 | TrakCom | 210 |
1160 | Luftpost | 204 |
1129 | CBM/PET Productions - Tools | 207 |
1106 | CBM/PET Productions - Games | 208 |
1098 | Kirsch Pac-Man | 203 |
1084 | Arbeitsdisk | 206 |
1078 | Last Party 2024 | 261 |
1044 | Silly Venture 2k21 Winter Edition | 212 |
1034 | Snake | 205 |
1022 | Atari ROM Maker update released | 214 |
1015 | Goodbye Andreas Gustafsson / Shadow of Noice^GP | 232 |
1015 | Silly Venture 2k23 Winter Edition | 259 |
990 | Silly Venture 2k22 Winter Edition | 213 |
982 | Can you please send me pictures... | 215 |
970 | WUDSN IDE update 2.0.0 and WUDSN IDE installer released | 230 |
937 | Little 50 VCS Music released at Silly Venture 2k22 SE | 221 |
886 | HomeCon 69 | 218 |
859 | ASMA - Atari SAP Music Archive - Relaunch | 226 |
844 | Silly Venture 2k23 Winter Edition | 254 |
829 | Scorch Physical Release | 256 |
793 | Last Party 2024 | 262 |
775 | CVL Session 2019/2020 | 180 |
747 | HomeCon | 217 |
741 | Last Party | 260 |
719 | Fujiama 2022 | 227 |
712 | Fujiama 2022 | 225 |
691 | HomeCon 69 | 216 |
653 | Little 50 | 222 |
647 | Hawkeye Tunetro released at Silly Venture 2k22 SE | 220 |
605 | Site Update | 229 |
591 | Silly Venture 2k22 Summer Edition | 223 |
556 | Atari Action! and Atari Action! Editor update | 231 |
543 | Fujiama | 224 |
524 | Mittwintermeeting 17 | 265 |
522 | (Not) Scaling with Microservices - Why software architecture should not be driven by hypes and buzzwords | 233 |
522 | Hunsrücker Atari Tage Zweitausend - H.A.T.Z. 2023 | 234 |
510 | The!Cart Studio update released | 242 |
501 | Revision 2013 with M.E.G.A. | 255 |
472 | AtariSIO Tools Binary Builds | 236 |
458 | Tyrian | 252 |
450 | C64 Productions - Games | 238 |
411 | RGBA | 23 |
402 | Site Update | 241 |
402 | Fujiama 2023 | 251 |
401 | Hints & Tips for Videogame Pioneers | 240 |
353 | Fujiama 2023 | 250 |
346 | Silly Venture 2k24 Summer Edition | 266 |
342 | Dark Star | 248 |
317 | Paradroid Redux | 239 |
311 | Paradroid Redux | 237 |
291 | Bulldoze! | 245 |
277 | Dragster Crash | 247 |
275 | Revision 2024 | 268 |
273 | Autolyrik | 244 |
264 | Peace Wars | 246 |
217 | Silly Venture 2k23 Summer Edition | 253 |
206 | Silly Venture 2k24 Summer Edition | 267 |
200 | Mittwintermeeting | 263 |
184 | Revision 2024 | 270 |
129 | SillyPacks 2k22/2k23/24 released | 271 |
98 | Offener Brief an die DKB | 272 |
93 | Mittwintermeeting 17 | 264 |
60 | SillyPack 2k23 SE and SillyPack 2k23 WE released (Planned) | 258 |
57 | Revision | 269 |
48 | SillyPack 2k22 SE and SillyPack 2k22 WE released (Planned) | 257 |
1 | Scratch | 192 |