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The WUDSN site is also linked in the Curlie directory under the category Computers: Systems: Atari: 8-bit

Hits Title Id
66359 WUDSN IDE 4
29795 Installation 17
27732 Atari 8-Bit Productions 2
26402 The!Cart 132
19756 Atari 8-Bit Productions - Demos 96
18935 Bad Apple HD 169
18756 C64 Productions 25
18203 Atari 8-Bit Productions - Tools 97
17850 Atari 2600 Productions 3
16619 Programming the Atari XL/XE 99
16420 Tutorials 16
16276 Features 15
15811 Atari ROM Maker 121
15086 Windows Productions 94
14322 FAQ 14
13912 FAQ 11
13845 Sales 114
12620 Silly Venture 108
11912 Imprint 12
11652 Links 13
10822 Atari 8-Bit Programming Tips and Recommendations 100
10255 Parties 93
10165 Releases 111
10137 GEOS 128 V2 Disks and ROMs 173
10095 The!Cart Studio 22
9790 Atari 8-Bit Productions - Games 98
9433 Welcome to the WUDSN ursel home page 24
8949 Atari ROM Checker 112
8276 Fun 153
8224 Making the Atari 800 Compatible with The!Cart, MyIDE II and more 145
7366 Programming the Atari 2600 Video Computer System (VCS) 119
7093 Credits 18
6449 Site Information 102
6380 Atari 2600 Productions - Demos 120
6237 Privacy Statement 166
6068 Tutorials 107
5728 WUDSN IDE update 1.7.0 released 110
5476 Atari 2600 - I have no memory 130
5356 - Making Games for the Atari 2600 139
5348 Revision 2017 - Atari Mega ST 146
5236 WUDSN IDE update 1.6.6 released 109
5173 Visdom I 6
5020 Atari 2600 - Two new trackers in the making 131
4960 ABBUC 99 21
4956 Visdom II 19
4953 Silly Venture 2k17 Invitro 147
4932 Dieter und Gisela bumsen wie die wilden Tiere in Nachbars Whirlpool 5
4925 ISO 105
4874 Bob Ross - The Joy of Pixeling the Walls at the Disco 138
4834 Atari Falcon Productions 209
4740 CBM/PET Productions 200
4684 HomeCon 5 20
4656 Spielentwicklung in 6502 Assembler für 8-Bit Heimcomputer (German) 135
4645 Atari 2600 - Music Trackers 149
4450 The binary is the source 28
4345 WUDSN IDE now on GitHub 172
4324 6502 Assembler workshop on game development with WUDSN IDE 134
4321 The!Cart - 3D printable cartridge shell models available 133
4296 Heaven's VBXE works - after 6 hours on the CRT battlefield 129
4289 WUDSN IDE update 1.6.3 released 40
4284 WUDSN IDE update 1.6.0 released 60
4261 WUDSN IDE update 1.6.4 released 30
4239 Atari 8-Bit Productions - Hardware 193
4215 WUDSN IDE update 1.3.2 released 81
4149 WUDSN IDE update 1.6.1 released 49
4145 Silly Venture 2k14 35
4117 C64 Productions - Tools 174
4101 WUDSN IDE update 1.5.0 released 69
4084 WUDSN IDE update 1.6.5 released 9
4006 The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets 143
3988 WUDSN IDE update 1.2.0 released 83
3982 WUDSN IDE update 1.4.4 released 70
3975 WUDSN IDE update 1.6.2 released 48
3950 The!RamDisk 177
3884 First official version 1.0.0 of WUDSN IDE released 88
3856 Programming the Atari XL/XE - Part 14,15 and 16 released 115
3793 WUDSN IDE update 1.7.1 released 175
3770 Working hard on DIS6502 128
3764 Atari Action! 185
3762 WUDSN IDE update 1.1.0 released 86
3662 WUDSN IDE update 1.4.0 released 79
3657 WUDSN IDE update 1.4.3 released 74
3653 SillyPack 2k17 released at Outline 2017 165
3566 WUDSN IDE update 1.4.2 released 77
3547 Silly Venture 2k17 Pictures 157
3542 ABBUC in the German Press 141
3538 ABBUC in a Box - 30 Years Atari Bit Byter User Club 152
3508 Silly Venture 2k17 Invitro and Web Site Released 150
3506 30.000 views later - WUDSN IDE in a book 136
3500 The!Cart - Comparision, Video and 3D Printed Shell Update 142
3499 Atari 8-Bit Programming Links 159
3452 No, I did not forget the "S" 154
3451 Rest in peace Radek 59
3393 Compilers Download Update 126
3374 Site Update 144
3344 Atari ROM Maker released 123
3307 Programmieren für das Atari 2600 Video Computer System 124
3283 Silly Venture 2k17 Releases 158
3265 The!Cart - The 128 MB Flash Cartridge for your Atari 8-Bit Computer 117
3259 Revision 2017 - Atari VCS Highlights 148
3251 Fujiama 2017 155
3236 ABBUC JHV 2011 55
3220 Interview for ANTIC - The Atari 8-Bit Podcast 125
3219 Demo Age: New Views 92
3206 Site Update 106
3200 MADS and Mac OS X 85
3188 Atari Action! Editor 186
3175 Bajtek 130/2016 - Klan Atari 156
3065 Programming the Atari XL/XE - Part 7 and 8 released 113
3063 New video tutorial series: Programming the Atari XL/XE 103
3051 Programming the Atari 2600 Video Computer System (Live) 7
3050 New zero installation distribution of WUDSN IDE for 32-bit 8
3034 Site Update 34
3019 Grey 39 Birthday Intro released 162
3017 Easy math for bulb@ 33
3012 Helena's BASIC Games released 170
3000 Silly Venture 2k16 - Justice Done! 140
2988 The!Cart Studio update released 127
2987 SillyPack 2k2k+1 SE and SillyPack 2k21 WE released 201
2974 Silly Venture 2k11 - .. and how it ended 53
2972 Site Update 160
2971 Site Update 116
2967 RebbStars and Boom!k released at Revision 2014 91
2965 The!Cart Studio preview released 32
2963 The!Cart Studio update released 31
2957 Site Update 87
2957 BreakPoint 2010 - The day after tomorrow 89
2948 Visdom Logo 84
2948 Time Pilot for Atari XL/XE released 167
2945 Apple II - late birthday present 42
2931 Silly Venture 2k11 - How it started... 54
2920 Beam Racer 176
2909 WUDSN IDE update 1.4.2 announced 78
2907 Open Source - supporting and getting support 44
2903 RGBA - Rasters Girls Beer Atari released at Silly Venture 2k12 38
2902 Fujiama 2012 - See you all in Lengenfeld 45
2901 ABBUC Awards 2010 61
2879 Site Relaunch 90
2875 SillyPack 2k13 released 101
2874 HomeCon 10 66
2866 The!Cart Studio update released 27
2862 Atari Speed Reading 56
2841 New zero installation distribution of WUDSN IDE 10
2841 RGBA - 1st place and final version released 37
2841 Silly Venture 2k17 surprise 168
2835 Silly Things - Fast Mix released 67
2824 WUDSN IDE Tutorial Part 1 65
2822 Silly Venture 2k17 Invitro revisited 171
2820 Atari Childhood Memories 29
2813 SillyPack 2k12 released 36
2808 Silly Things - Party Version released 68
2804 The!RamDisk released 178
2798 HomeCon 5 Invitation released 75
2777 Teenage dream challenge 52
2769 Site Update 72
2743 WUDSN Assembler Workshop at Fuijiama 2019 Party 181
2732 Visdom I and II story and fixed versions 51
2727 Fujiama 2010 pictures 71
2721 Site Update 76
2714 Site Update 43
2710 PayPal, Facebook ... and some really useful things 47
2709 WUDSN IDE Tutorial Part 3 and 4 63
2705 Site Update 58
2701 WUDSN IDE Tutorial Part 5 and 6 62
2683 WUDSN IDE Tutorial Part 2 64
2677 Fujiama 2012 - Lots of code, fun and beer 39
2673 WUDSN IDE Tutorial part 7: New features in version 1.6.0 50
2662 Finally Progressing - The Graphics Plugin 80
2649 Silly Venture 2k19 Video Invitation 182
2649 DIS6502 187
2642 ABBUC Magazin 99 intro added and 20 € for you 73
2630 Farewell Ultrasyd 190
2618 Site Update 82
2612 Celebrating 3 years WUDSN IDE - 6500 hits - 1000 views for the video tutorial 46
2601 40.000 Views, 200 Likes, Revision and finally back online again 161
2586 Site Update 57
2580 Radek - you are not forgotten 41
2568 Dell's Kitchen 179
2562 Atari Action! and Atari Action! Editor update released 184
2550 The!Cart Studio update released 163
2531 The!Cart Studio update released 164
2511 Windows Productions - Tools 188
2499 Priceless Youtube Spam 189
2301 Prince Couple Patricia 001. and Peter 011. 183
2102 WUDSN IDE update 1.7.2 released 191
2060 Windows Folder Magic 137
2034 Goodbye Jason Kelk / T.M.R. of Cosine 197
1954 A day at the lake... 198
1918 Goodbye Alphons Klüpfel 196
1707 Site Update 211
1597 Silly Venture 2k21 Winter Edition 202
1524 Back to the Future 195
1453 Site Update 194
1261 Hawkeye Tunetro 219
1228 TrakCom 210
1160 Luftpost 204
1129 CBM/PET Productions - Tools 207
1106 CBM/PET Productions - Games 208
1098 Kirsch Pac-Man 203
1084 Arbeitsdisk 206
1078 Last Party 2024 261
1044 Silly Venture 2k21 Winter Edition 212
1034 Snake 205
1022 Atari ROM Maker update released 214
1015 Goodbye Andreas Gustafsson / Shadow of Noice^GP 232
1015 Silly Venture 2k23 Winter Edition 259
990 Silly Venture 2k22 Winter Edition 213
982 Can you please send me pictures... 215
970 WUDSN IDE update 2.0.0 and WUDSN IDE installer released 230
937 Little 50 VCS Music released at Silly Venture 2k22 SE 221
886 HomeCon 69 218
859 ASMA - Atari SAP Music Archive - Relaunch 226
844 Silly Venture 2k23 Winter Edition 254
829 Scorch Physical Release 256
793 Last Party 2024 262
775 CVL Session 2019/2020 180
747 HomeCon 217
741 Last Party 260
719 Fujiama 2022 227
712 Fujiama 2022 225
691 HomeCon 69 216
653 Little 50 222
647 Hawkeye Tunetro released at Silly Venture 2k22 SE 220
605 Site Update 229
591 Silly Venture 2k22 Summer Edition 223
556 Atari Action! and Atari Action! Editor update 231
543 Fujiama 224
524 Mittwintermeeting 17 265
522 (Not) Scaling with Microservices - Why software architecture should not be driven by hypes and buzzwords 233
522 Hunsrücker Atari Tage Zweitausend - H.A.T.Z. 2023 234
510 The!Cart Studio update released 242
501 Revision 2013 with M.E.G.A. 255
472 AtariSIO Tools Binary Builds 236
458 Tyrian 252
450 C64 Productions - Games 238
411 RGBA 23
402 Site Update 241
402 Fujiama 2023 251
401 Hints & Tips for Videogame Pioneers 240
353 Fujiama 2023 250
346 Silly Venture 2k24 Summer Edition 266
342 Dark Star 248
317 Paradroid Redux 239
311 Paradroid Redux 237
291 Bulldoze! 245
277 Dragster Crash 247
275 Revision 2024 268
273 Autolyrik 244
264 Peace Wars 246
217 Silly Venture 2k23 Summer Edition 253
206 Silly Venture 2k24 Summer Edition 267
200 Mittwintermeeting 263
184 Revision 2024 270
129 SillyPacks 2k22/2k23/24 released 271
98 Offener Brief an die DKB 272
93 Mittwintermeeting 17 264
60 SillyPack 2k23 SE and SillyPack 2k23 WE released (Planned) 258
57 Revision 269
48 SillyPack 2k22 SE and SillyPack 2k22 WE released (Planned) 257
1 Scratch 192