The native productions listed here are also available in the folder members/wudsn/productions/atari800/demos of TNFS server for usage via Fujinet.

TitleAlex Murphy
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. ?k, single file
AuthorsPeter Dell, Christian Düsterhöft
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Alex Murphy
TitleGet Stupid And Dance!Now
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. 40k, single file
AuthorsPeter Dell, Krystone
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2023-12-27)
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NoteRanked 2nd in the Atari 8-bit demo compo at Silly Venture 2k23 WE.
Get Stupid And Dance!Now
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. 16k, single file
AuthorsPeter Dell, Krystone
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2023-12-27)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteRanked 2nd in the Atari 8-bit intro compo at Silly Venture 2k23 WE.
TitleSillyPack 2k23 Winter Edition
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k23 Winter Edition packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k21WE.bat."
SillyPack 2k23 Winter Edition
TitleSillyPack 2k23 Summer Edition (Planned)
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k23 Summer Edition packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k22SE.bat."
SillyPack 2k23 Summer Edition (Planned)
TitleSillyPack 2k22 Winter Edition
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k22 Winter Edition packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k21WE.bat."
SillyPack 2k22 Winter Edition
TitleSillyPack 2k22 Summer Edition (Planned)
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k22 Summer Edition packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k22SE.bat."
SillyPack 2k22 Summer Edition (Planned)
TitleSillyPack 2k21 Winter Edition
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k21 Winter Edition packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k21WE.bat."
SillyPack 2k21 Winter Edition
TitleSillyPack 2k20+1 Summer Edition
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k20+1 Summer Edition packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k20_1SE.bat."
SillyPack 2k20+1 Summer Edition
TitleHawkeye Tunetro
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. 40k, single file
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2023-12-10), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteMy tribute to the Boys Without Brains who created an iconic piece of software for the C64, and to Buddy76CD who covered the great music on POKEY.
Ranked 5th in the Atari 8-bit demo compo at Silly Venture 2k22 SE. Click here to read the details.
Hawkeye Tunetro
TitleNostalgic Trip VBXE
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. 512k disk, file and ROM version
AuthorsKarolj Nadj, Peter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2022-06-27), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onYouTube
NoteFinal version including disk, file and CAR builds. All builds contain the following fixes: mono, 2nd POKEY supported; OPTION disables the cartridge; detection of VBXE board; detection of VBXE address; no crash when pressing keys
Nostalgic Trip VBXE
TitleSillyPack 2k19
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2011-12-19), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k19 packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k19.bat."
SillyPack 2k19
TitleSillyPack 2k18
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k18 packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k18.bat."
SillyPack 2k18
TitleST-NICCC 2000 Remake
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. 1024k disk, file and ROM version
AuthorsKarolj Nadj, Peter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2022-06-27), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onYouTube
NoteFinal version including disk, file and CAR builds. All builds contain the following fixes: mono, 2nd POKEY supported; OPTION disables the cartridge; detection of VBXE board; detection of VBXE address; no crash when pressing keys
ST-NICCC 2000 Remake
TitleGrey Screen With Broken Music
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteBecause all previous "Grey Screen With ..." releases were missing the actual Grey. Homage to our great organizer Grey and the awesome Falcon BenQ desaster at Silly Venture 2k17 :-) There the graphics generated by the Falcon graphics system tricks repeatedly forced the beamer to reboot. Party-coded for Silly Venture 2k18 on 2018-11-01, because every Silly Venture deserves a silly demo.
Ranked 4th in the Atari 8-bit intro compo at Silly Venture 2k18.
Grey Screen With Broken Music
TitleBad Apple HD
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Cartridge with tape, 64MB The!Cart cartridge image plus 29 MB PCM wave tape file
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (party version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteParty version.
Ranked 1st in the Atari 8-bit demo compo at Silly Venture 2k18. Click here to read the details.
Bad Apple HD
TitleGrey Screen With No Music - 100%
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
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NoteCompletely pointless, but it was a rainy Sunday afternoon and I could not resist the challenge.
Grey Screen With No Music - 100%
TitleSillyPack 2k17
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k17 packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k17.bat."
SillyPack 2k17
TitleNo time, No memory, Just Outline!
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 128 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteA fun entry coded at Outline 2018 in 10 minutes between dinner and deadline.
Ranked 7th in the 128-byte intro compo at Outline 2018.
No time, No memory, Just Outline!
TitleGrey 39 Birthday Intro
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 32k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2018-04-12), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteA little birthday surprise for the greytest party organizer in our little Atari world!
Grey 39 Birthday Intro
TitleSillyPack 2k16
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2017-12-17), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k16 packaged together with the result, nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k16.bat."
SillyPack 2k16
TitleIVI256 - Incidential Vertical Interlace
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 256 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteRequires a clean boot with empty zero page.
Ranked 3rd in the Atari 8-bit 256-byte compo at Silly Venture 2k17.
IVI256 - Incidential Vertical Interlace
TitleSillyPack 2k14
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2017-11-26), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k14 packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k14.bat."
SillyPack 2k14
TitleBob Ross - The Joy of Pixeling the Walls at the Disco
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 256 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteRequires Atari XL/XE with OS revision C due to some dirty nasty direct calls.
Ranked 3rd in the Atari 8-bit 256-byte compo at Silly Venture 2k16. Click here to read the details.
Bob Ross - The Joy of Pixeling the Walls at the Disco
TitleCALL NOW! - Actual Size Edition
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 32 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
CALL NOW! - Actual Size Edition
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2014-04-21), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NotePorted from Old Cranky Style with the kind permission of Shadow.
Ranked 7th in the oldschool demo competition at Revision 2014.
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 1k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onYouTube
Note120 stars at 50 FPS party coded to save a Revision compo - like every year. The name is of course a (too) obvious reference to Bang! by SvOlli.
Ranked 5th in the oldschool intro competition at Revision 2014.
TitleSilly Venture Guru
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteInvitation for Silly Venture 2k14. Dedicated to the one and only Grey.
Silly Venture Guru
TitleSillyPack 2k13
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 16 MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2017-11-26), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k13 packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The download also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k13.bat."
SillyPack 2k13
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 280k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2013-11-15), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteRequires 256k extended memory. Can be started from normal DOS. Press any key during animation to loop the animation.
Ranked 6th in the wild compo at Revision 2013.
TitleSillyPack 2k12
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demo, music and art pack. 1MB ATR disk image in MyDos format
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2017-11-26), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteAll Atari 8-bit releases of Silly Venture 2k12 packaged together with the results, a nice menu and music. Everything has been patched for optimal execution on real hardware. The ddownload also cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "SillyPack2k12.bat."
SillyPack 2k12
TitleChicks On Chips
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (updated 2022-0821), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
NoteFirst stage of my R.G.B.A demo from 2010, released as part of of the New Year's Disk 2013.
Chicks On Chips
TitleRGBA - Rasters Girls Beer Atari
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (fixed version), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube YouTube
NoteRequires 64k only. This is the fixed party version. Download cotains a ready to run pre-configured Altirra. Just start "RGBA.bat."
Ranked 1st in the Atari 8-bit intro compo at Silly Venture 2k12. Click here to read the details.
RGBA - Rasters Girls Beer Atari
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 32 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteInspired by copper2. Only 100 times smaller with 128 colors.
TitleWallflower XL Remix
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteRemix of Wallflower to see if I can get below the 23 bytes.
Wallflower XL Remix
TitleCube is my Pron
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 256 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteFollow-up to RottoprojoXL, to show something that can only be done on the Atari 8-bit. Probably my best 256b.
Ranked 6th in the Atari demo compo at Outline 2011 because the system and size were not shown and people thought it was a full Atari ST demo.
Cube is my Pron
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 254 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteInspired by Skate's excellent Rottoprojo64. One of the toughest size coding jobs ever.
Ranked 4th in the Atari demo compo at Outline 2011 because the system and size were not shown and people thought it was a full Atari ST demo.
TitleWallflower XL
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 23 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteMy contribution to the inoffical "23 bytes Friday at work demo" competition. Inspired by 4mat's excellent Wallflower.
Wallflower XL
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16k
AuthorsPeter Dell
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Vote onDemozoo
TitleBadekapp Miel 3
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (multi-language version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo
NoteCrazy story demo about a bathing cap. Originally created in 1991. The sources went to hell together with my disk drive back then. Finally finished and released as part of the New Years Disc 2011.
Badekapp Miel 3
TitleSilly Things
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 40k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original and fastmix version), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteRequires 64k only. Can be loaded from normal DOS.
Ranked 1st in the Atari 8-bit demo compo at Silly Venture 2k10.
Silly Things
TitleTV Noise Demo Maker
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Demotool
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
NoteThe ultimate demo maker version of the TV noise craze from November 2011. Designed to finally end the madness by creating a tool that allows to editing of TV noises for all platforms.
TV Noise Demo Maker
TitleTV Noise Anthology
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single files, 32 and 16 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onYouTube YouTube
NoteThe ultimate size coding version of the TV noise craze from November 2011.
TV Noise Anthology
TitleExpanding Universe
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 32 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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Expanding Universe
TitlePower Of 2
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 32 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteDraws Pascal's Triangle Modulo 2 to approximate the Sierpinski triangle. This version requires an Atari 800 XL with a Revision C OS to work.
Power Of 2
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single files, 128 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
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TitleFake Fade
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 64 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
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Fake Fade
TitleLoopback Scroller
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. TODO
AuthorsPeter Dell
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Loopback Scroller
TitleHomeCon 5 Invitation
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (fixed version), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteCan be started from normal DOS. Press any key to perform a warm start. The fixed version also runs properly on NTSC machines. Click here to read the details.
HomeCon 5 Invitation
TitleABBUC Magazin 99 Intro
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
Watch onVideo YouTube
NoteCan be started from normal DOS. Press any key or trigger to perform a warm start after fading out. Click here to read the details.
ABBUC Magazin 99 Intro
TitleDieter und Gisela bumsen wie die wilden Tiere in Nachbars Whirlpool
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 64 bytes
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original version), WUDSN (sources)
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteCan be started from normal DOS. Depending on the DOS version, it does not start automatically. In this case, just run the code from address $4000, for example via "M" and "4000" under DOS 2.5. This one was created just for fun and was my first trip into size-coding to celebrate the fact that I joined Pouet. Click here to read the details.
Dieter und Gisela bumsen wie die wilden Tiere in Nachbars Whirlpool
TitleABBUC JHV 2002
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 64k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download from, Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
TitleABBUC Magazin 70 Intro
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. TODO
AuthorsPeter Dell
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ABBUC Magazin 70 Intro
TitleABBUC Magazin 69 Intro
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. TODO
AuthorsPeter Dell
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ABBUC Magazin 69 Intro
TitleInstant Collection
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. TODO
AuthorsPeter Dell
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Instant Collection
TitlePD Mag Out of Space Intro
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. TODO
AuthorsPeter Dell
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PD Mag Out of Space Intro
TitlePD Mag 6 Intro
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. TODO
AuthorsPeter Dell
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PD Mag 6 Intro
TitleABBUC Magazin 34 Intro
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. TODO
AuthorsPeter Dell
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ABBUC Magazin 34 Intro
TitleVisdom II Demo
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 16k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original and fixed version), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteReleased as part of the Halle Project 1993. Press HELP to enter the info screens, SPACE to return to the main screen and SHIFT to leave the demo. Click here to read the details.
Visdom II Demo
TitleTop Mag Intro
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. TODO
AuthorsPeter Dell
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Top Mag Intro
TitlePD Mag 5 Intro
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. TODO
AuthorsPeter Dell
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PD Mag 5 Intro
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. TODO
AuthorsPeter Dell
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NoteThe original implementation of what later became the ABBUC Magazine 99 Intro.
TitleDisk Line Menu System
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. TODO
AuthorsPeter Dell
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Disk Line Menu System
TitleVisdom Demo
PlatformAtari 8-bit
Date of release
Type of releaseDemo. Single file, 10k
AuthorsPeter Dell
Download fromWUDSN (original and fixed version), WUDSN (sources), Fandal
Vote onDemozoo Pouet
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NoteThe fixed version also runs on NTSC and allows leaving part one with any key. Click here to read the details.
Visdom Demo