The Last Part 2024 was my first appearance at the party. The participants were almost entirely Polish, and I was the only foreigner. This is what always made me reluctant to visit the party, but this time Krystone offered to be my host, arranged my transfer, and helped with all bookings. It was a very nice experience at the party where everybody gave me a warm welcome, and people were very open to talking about what they do. What stood out was that there were very many real Atari 8-bit/Atari 7800 machines present and used. I shared a room on the 2nd floor of the party building with Jaskier and epi. Jaskier was kind to show me around the city and ensure I had something to eat. We also visited the quite unexpected area of the basilica Licheń Stary, which is "golden but humble" :-). I met many people I had not personally met before, like Jaskier, Laoo, Candle, and Dely, and had in-depth talks about many things like new / planned / unreleased hardware, Lynx code, and emulation. We also played ("Dude Story") new and old ("Rikki and Vikki") games and generally had lots of fun. Thanks to Krystone, Vasco for having me and everybody involved in making this possible.