While everything in the world is turning into bits, some bits of WUDSN IDE have turned into some pages in an actual world book. Thomas Schulz illustrated what WUDSN IDE is and how cross-development works in his chapter of the book Time to Play - Zeit und Computerspiel published by members of the Humboldt University in Berlin. When I remember how I started with WUDSN IDE in 2009, I would never have thought of being an enabler for such great things as Dimo's Quest and so many other games and programs. Now, seven years later, my site has crossed the 30.000 views boundary, the IDE has over 130 active installations, and I have become friends with many new Atari users. All this is simply great, and I hope we'll have lots of funs together in the future.
The IDE screen with the project, outline, editor, and message panel.
The rainbow example program explained step by step to learn what "racing the beam" means.