- The download now contains a "TheCartStudio.exe" for Windows users. This wrapper program has proper icons, a version and location test for the Java Runtime, and the required Java parameters to ensure enough heap memory is available.
- The download now also contains a "TheCartStudio.sh" for Linux users. This script provides Java with the required parameters to ensure enough heap memory is available.
- The download now also contains a "TheCartStudio.app" for Mac OS X users. This one is still very experimental and is not yet tested as I don't own a Mac OS X machine. But I wanted to get this version out now.
- Online help has been revised. New sections and diagrams now explain the workflow and creating and flashing workbooks. Also, the different options to add files directly or via Maxflash Studio and MegaCart Studio are now described.
- The selected line in the extended menu now uses black text and a more constant, darker flashing. This reduces bending and artifacts on CRT TV.
- Player missile graphics of the extended menu are now disabled correctly before an entry is started. That was an issue, for example, with Flop Magazine 56 Intro.
- An exception that occurred with ATR files that do neither have a boot manager menu nor are DOS 2.5 disks is fixed.
- New Atari software version 2014-04-07 included. It includes a fix for the CAR or MyPicoDOS when loading OSS modules.
- The "-createSampleFiles" command now correctly creates separate folders "ROM-Correct", "ROM-Size-Too-Small", "ROM-Size-Too-Large".
- Console output for error messages is now routed to "System.err", so the command line can adequately distinguish between information and error messages.