Deluxe MJUZAKK Zerbastel Kit is a sound tracker program for the Atari Falcon 030 by Frank Marvin Weigel and Bernhard Kirsch (Bodenständig 2000). Program versions up to version 1.2 were released as shareware. This version is available here as a download. The Deluxe Mjuzakk Zerbastel Kit for the Atari Falcon 030 computer is the software behind many Bodenständig 2000 smash hits like "Orko kann nicht mehr zaubern" or "Party ganze nacht". It features a CD-quality 16-bit sound! However, as there is seldom more than four megabytes of RAM in such a computer and almost 700 kilobytes are already eaten up by the operating system and the software itself, Bodenständig 2000 was often forced into using concise samples and repetitive lyrics. As the first "sound tracker" of its kind, Deluxe MJUZAKK Zerbastel Kit allowed what is today called a "bounce": rendering a WAVE file of the composition to disk. This was a significant step for bringing tracker music to "real" sound carriers of that time (audio CDs) without needing more equipment than the computer itself. This inspired and enabled the creation of "Maxi German Rave Blast Hits 3", the world's first home computer folk album released by Rephlex Records in 1999.

Deluxe MJUZAKK Zerbastel Kit 1.2

TrakCom is the name of the commercial successor versions 1.3 to 1.32, published by Compo Software GmbH in 1993/1994.

With the demise of Compo Software GmbH, the authors decided to release the latest version of the complete product again under the name "Deluxe MJUZAKK Zerbastel Kit 1.32" in 1996. It is available here as a download. The content of the related English and German readme files is given below.

'Deluxe Mjuzakk Zerbastel Kit' is the Sonic Wunderwaffe for the ATARI Falcon 030. It was developed by Bernhard Kirsch and the extremely smart boy next door, Frank Marvin Weigel. Some time ago, it was sold under the wrong name 'TrakCom'. As Bodenstandig 2000 now have become popstars, they decided to give away this amazing music software for free. Deluxe Mjuzakk Zerbastel Kits produced hits like »Dachziegelkauer«, »Orko kann nicht mehr zaubern« and »Longjohn«. Deluxe Mjuzakk Zerbastel Kit runs only on an ATARI Falcon or a perfect emulation -- which is not available at the moment. It's not compatible with MultiTOS or MagiC. Documentation is in German language.

Das 'Deluxe Mjuzakk Zerbastel Kit', welches von Bernhard Kirsch und dem höchst schlauen Nachbarsjungen Frank Marvon Weigel entwickelt wurde, ist die sonische Wunderwaffe für den ATARI Falcon 030. Vor einiger Zeit wurde es under dem Falschnamen 'TrakCom' verkauft. -- Da Bodenständig 2000 es inzwischen zu Popstar-Ruhm gebracht haben, wird dieses exklusive Musikprogramm, mit dem Hits wie »Dachziegelkauer«, »Orko kann nicht mehr zaubern« und »Longjohn« entstanden sind, nun unentgeltlich an das Volk verteilt. Deluxe Mjuzakk Zerbastel Kit läuft AUSSCHLIESSLICH auf einem ATARI Falcon oder einer perfekten Emulation dessen -- zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt ist jedoch noch keine deratige Emulation erhältlich. Deluxe Mjuzakk Zerbastel Kit ist nicht kompatibel mit MultiTOS oder MagiC.

Deluxe MJUZAKK Zerbastel Kit 1.32 - Info Deluxe MJUZAKK Zerbastel Kit 1.32 - Menu Deluxe MJUZAKK Zerbastel Kit 1.32  - Editor

You can find songs for the program at No Fragments:

Filename Description
BADESALZ.ZIP "Hommage a Badesalse vo.9 Prerelease" by Bernhard Kirsch
BIBIBLOX.ZIP "Drax´ Bibi-Bloxberg-Mix für LB.BLUBB" by Drax
DISCO.ZIP "Discomusik ist Scheiße - Dualismus Mix" by Drax
FUTUR.ZIP "Der Weltraum ist unendlich groß - Captain Future ESM Deka-Dance" by Drax
GOD_CLUB.ZIP "Godzilla Verteidigungsminister-Mix" by Timo K. & Drax
LONGJON.ZIP "Der Tag geht! Der Softfunkreggae-Unpluggedtekkno v1.o" by Bernhard Kirsch
PARTY.ZIP "Party die ganze Nacht - Ich-weiß-was-ich-mag-Mix" by Drax featuring EIS-EBS
PIZZAJAM.ZIP "Pizza Funky" by Drax
RIFFRAFF.ZIP "Raff Riff Raff" by Drax
SIRTAKI.ZIP "Sirtaki Time ESM - Sechs-Kannen-Kaffee-auf-Ex-Mix" by Drax featuring Leo Leandros
SOBISTDU.ZIP "So Bist Du ESM - Gib-Alles-Mix" by Drax featuring Peter Maffay
TECNOZID.ZIP "Vertonung für 20s Video für TV-Arte" by Bernhard Kirsch
VOCAL.ZIP "Vocal" by ?!