DIS6502 is an interactive 6502 disassembler. It can disassemble plain binary files and supports specific executable and disk image files of Atari 8-bit, C64, and Oric computers. This support also includes labeling and handling the operating system vectors to improve the disassembly. It can output the assembly listing in different configurable formats and has preset profiles for popular assemblers like ASMED, CA64, LADS, MAC65, and MADS.
- Stable versions: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dis6502/
- Daily version https://www.wudsn.com/productions/windows/dis6502/dis6502.zip
- Source code: https://sourceforge.net/p/dis6502/git/ci/master/tree/
- Questions and discussions: https://atariage.com/forums/topic/286803-dis6502-the-interactive-6502-disassembler/